from the Chancellor

Honors and

"...the owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk..."

Orders of Merit are distinctions bestowed upon an individual at the discretion of the head of one of the three distinguished bodies of the Academic Senate of the United Theological University. 

As head of the Council of Minerva, the Chancellor has the fundamental authority to decorate individuals with the Order of the Owl, the order of merit to which are only admitted exceptional individuals who have exemplified the ideals of Wisdom, Strength, or Creativity in their respective expressions of Truth.

The Council of Minerva serves as a board of syndicates for all endeavors of the UTU and works with the Consortium of Deans and the Rector of the UTU in the validation of academic recognitions. 

Induction to the Order of the Owl (of Minerva) is a lifetime event and can only be awarded by a named Chancellor of the Council of Minerva; it must be registered in the United Theological University's central archive by inclusion in the agenda of an ordinary assembly of its academic senate. Awardees of the Order of the Owl are granted honored access to all events of the Council of Minerva, the right to wear the pin of the Golden Owl, a distinctive emblem of Order of Minerva.